Closed preservation rhinoplasty as a method of choice in patients with congenital deformation of the nose
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/VY7BG
Kadyrov M. et al. Closed preservation rhinoplasty as a method of choice in patients with congenital deformation of the nose. Am J Med Surg. February 2022; 7(1). 21-24
BACKGROUND: This article presents a modern approach to the treatment of patients with unexpected anomalies and deformities of the external nose, which provides for the restoration of anatomical integrity and its functions, as well as the achievement of a possible aesthetic result.
Materials and research methods: At the Maxclinic Plastic Surgery Clinic from 2019-2021. operated on 21 patients with congenital deformities of the external nose, 3 men, 18 women aged from 3 to 35 years.
Results and discussion: When eliminating congenital deformities of the external nose, we used closed rhinoplasty with preservation of the ligamentous apparatus of the tip of the nose.
Conclusions: all the operated patients had a positive result, in all cases it was possible to achieve an improvement in the functional and aesthetic state. The use of closed rhinoplasty for deformations of the external nose is in no way inferior to the open technique to obtain a more beautiful and harmonious nose shape compared to the initial one. It is important to remember that operations on the structures of the nose should have not only aesthetic, but also functional effects.
KEY WORDS: Rhinoplasty, closed rhinoplasty, congenital nose deformities, secondary nose reconstruction.